Timezone Value
Timezone Value returns the offset of a timezone, relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Scope: Project, Scene, Function, Prefab.
Attribute | Type | Description |
| Drop-down | The timezone that will be used, which is an offset of the UTC. |
Input | Type | Description |
Pulse Input (►) | Pulse | A standard input Pulse, to trigger the execution of the Node. |
| Int | The offset from the UTC in milliseconds. |
Output | Type | Description |
Pulse Output (►) | Pulse | A standard output Pulse, to move onto the next Node along the Logic Branch, once this Node has finished its execution. |
| Int | The offset of the timezone, in milliseconds, relative to UTC. |
See Also
External Links
UTC - The World's Time Standard on timeanddate.com.
UTC Time Offsets on utctime.net.
Epoch Unix Time Stamp Converter on unixtimestamp.com.
Current Millis on currentmillis.com.
Last updated