Figma Importer

The Figma Importer allows the user to import their projects (or parts of their projects) from Figma and render them in Incari Studio with comparable retention of designs using Scene2Ds. As of 2023.2, there are some exceptions to this which are described in greater detail here.

All Figma components are imported as Prefabs. More specifically, a component will become a Frame and its variants become Prefabs under that Frame.

Even if only one page of a Figma project is imported, all components and their variants from the entire project will be imported into Incari Studio. If there are any images in the Figma project, the images are added like a normal Asset and appear in both the Asset Manager and Asset Database.

For nested structures, if a Figma component has multiple variants, these variants will be imported as individual Prefabs, requiring separate Logic for each. This defeats the purpose of Prefabs so it is highly suggested to create only one variant per component in Figma. This variant would have all possible objects and properties, which the user can cluster into groups if necessary, and will be imported into Incari as one Prefab. This preserves the structure of the Prefab, especially concerning any subsequent Logic.

Figma pages are different from Scenes in Incari. Large Figma pages take a long time to render, so it's recommended to split these into multiple pages before importing. It's also highly suggested to flatten any objects used in Figma projects so that everything runs smoothly in Incari.


Before any options for importing can become available, the user must locate the necessary information to access the Figma project. These are the Authentication Token and the Document Key.

The Authentication Token can be generated in a Figma user's account settings, the process of which is described here.

The Document Key is located in the url of the project, after file such as in:

Here, the Document Key is jCFQWXBJWk6LtqsI4wLi4j

Inputting these two into their respective text boxes will result in the user gaining access.

In the event that this attempt is unsuccessful, a warning will be given.


There are initially two Attributes, Document Name and Import Pages.

All Pages

Selecting All Pages will import each Figma Page into a new and separate Scene2D. For example, if a Figma project has two Pages called Page 1 and Page 2, this will result in two new Scene2Ds in Unassigned Scenes in the Project Outliner labeled Page 1 and Page 2.

Single Page

Selecting Single Page will make the Figma Page and Incari Scene Attributes visible.

Figma Page gives a dropdown of all the possible Figma Pages available in the accessed Figma project.

Incari Scene gives a dropdown of all the possible Scene2Ds to import into as well as the options Active Scene (the Scene2D that is currently open) and Create Scene (creates a new Scene2D on import).

If there is not an Active Scene, one will be created. If one imports into a Scene2D where there is already a populated Scene2D, it will override what is currently there (this applies to Objects and not to Logic). Please note that all references in the Logic will break as all Objects, except the Camera and any Prefab instances, are deleted!

Last updated