Global Transformations


Global Transformations are performed along the Scene axes, regardless of the Object's Position and Rotation Attributes.

The following example shows the Global axes for several Objects:

Global Transformations can be done either directly in the Scene Viewport in Global mode or in the Attribute Editor.

To switch to Global view simply click on the Local Global icon on the top Menu of the Viewport. This is only necessary if Local mode is currently selected, as Global mode is the default on start.

Global mode view.

The Attributes of an Object can be modified in the Attribute Editor. They will appear there when the Object is selected.

Attribute Editor for a cube.

The Global mode allows one to change the Position and Rotation of an Object. It can also be used for Groups.


Translating an Object can be done either in the Scene Viewport or in the Object's Attributes.

To modify an Object's Position in the Viewport, click on the Translate icon, second from the left on the top Menu. This will make a gizmo appear, showing the axes along which the Object's Position can be modified. In Global mode, the Scene axes are shown.

To move an Object along an axis, click on the preferred axis and drag the Object. It can also be moved in any direction by dragging the center of the gizmo or on a plane by dragging the square between two axes.

The example below shows an Object being moved along its Global axes.

The following example shows an Object being moved freely by dragging the center of the gizmo, first, and then on a plane by dragging the square between two axes.

It is also possible to change an Object's Position from its Attributes. For this, modify the Position values under Transformation in the Attribute Editor: with a right-click, a drop-down Menu for the step change opens; after choosing the step, change the value by scrolling or use the up and down arrows at the right of the value. It is also possible to directly set the value in the input box.

The following example shows the modification of the Position values for a Cube.


Rotating an Object can be done either in the Scene Viewport or in the Object's Attributes.

In order to rotate an Object in the Viewport, click on the Rotate icon, third from the left on the top Menu. This will make the rotation gizmo appear for the Object. Each circle represents an axis along which a rotation can be performed. For rotating the Object, click on a circle of the gizmo and drag towards the direction in which to perform the rotation. In Global mode, the Object is rotated with respect to the Scene axes.

The example below shows a Global rotation of an Object.

It is also possible to rotate an Object from its Attributes. For this, modify the Rotation values under Transformation in the Attribute Editor: with a right-click, a drop-down Menu for the step change opens; after choosing the step, change the value by scrolling or use the up and down arrows at the right of the value.

The following example shows the modification of the Rotation values for a Cube.

When modifying a Rotation value, it is possible that the other two values get automatically changed. This is just a recalculation of the rotation angles required to successfully perform the desired transformation.


It is possible to perform Transformations over several Objects as if they were parts of one Object by putting them into a Group. This can be done directly in the Viewport or in the Attribute Editor.

The example below shows a Global rotation and translation of a Group composed of two cylinders and a cube.

The following example shows the same Group being translated and rotated by modifying its Attributes in the Attribute Editor. To set the step, right-click the input box, and then modify the value by either scrolling or using the up and down arrows on the right.

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