

The FormatArray Node receives a Pattern String that can contain format specifiers and an Array containing data values. It then outputs the String formatted with the data values from the Array in place of the format specifiers. The format specifiers define the type of data that will fill them and the format the data will be shown in.

This Node is useful for when data needs to presented within a text. For example, to show the current temperature. For this, we can use the Pattern String The current temperature is %.1f °C, where %.1f is the format specifier that indicates that a Float value with one decimal place will take that position in the final formatted String. The value of the current temperature has to be given to the Node as a value in an Array and then, if the current temperature is, say, 20.3 degrees Celsius, the formatted String that the Node outputs will be The current temperature is 20.3°C.

See more about format specifiers and usage examples.

Scope: Project, Scene, Function, Prefab.





See Also

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