Play Animation


Play Animation is an Animation Node used to start playing an Animation. The Animation to play has to be selected in the Attributes. For this, simply drag an Animation .incani file from the Asset Manager to the File Attribute and then a drop-down Menu that allows the user to choose an Animation Block will appear.

When an Animation starts playing, an Instance ID gets assigned to it, which is then used to control the Animation with the Pause Animation or Stop Animation Nodes. This Instance ID can be set with the Create CustomID Node connected to the Instance ID Input Socket. If nothing is connected, the default value 42 is used.

It is also possible to reuse an Animation with a different Object.

Scope: Scene, Function, Prefab.




Reusing an Animation

Using the Play Animation Node, it is possible to reuse an Animation for a different Object than the one used in the .incani file. For this, the ObjectID Input Sockets must be used.

When an Animation Block is assigned to the Play Animation Node in the Attributes, new ObjectID Input Sockets are created, one for each Object in the Animation Block. These Input Socket can be used to animate a different Object.

Thus, a Play Animation Node with an Object connected to the ObjectID Sockets will animate that Object instead of the one defined in the Animation Block. In the example below, Object2 will be animated instead of Object1, which was the Object originally used in the Animation.

See Also

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