

The Sequential Node generates a user-defined number of Output Pulses, and executes their Logic sequentially (one after the other), with the top-most Pulses being executed first. The one caveat to this is that if any Nodes that pause or delay the flow of Logic are used, they will only affect that particular Branch, not the other Output Pulses (See Execution Order below).

They are used primarily as a means of grouping and organizing blocks of Logic with a similar or combined purpose into a more visually readable way.

Scope: Project, Scene, Function, Prefab.





Execution Order

Example 1

Here, we output three written numbers to the console, using the Sequential Node. As one might expect, the numbers are shown immediately after one another, in the correct order:

One   [0 seconds]
Two   [0 seconds]
Three [0 seconds]

Example 2

When we add a Start Timeout Node, which delays the execution of Branch, one might expect the numbers to be output in order, with a delay between "One" and "Two". This, however, is not the case, as Timeout Nodes only affect the Branch that they are on. You will instead see the following output, exactly as before:

One   [0 seconds]
Two   [0 seconds]
Three [0 seconds]

Example 3

This becomes much clearer, when we insert a Start Timeout Node before the Console Node is executed. Now we see that "Two" and "Three" are shown immediately, whereas "One" is output to the console after the given time has elapsed.

Two   [0 seconds]
Three [0 seconds]
One   [1 second]

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