
Incari has several types of Primitives, which are three-dimensional Objects that can add a realistic, immersive experience to a User Interface. They are found in the Scene Outliner and show up after the + button is clicked.



A Cube Object

The Cube, a simple 3D geometric shape, has several Attributes.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Cube, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Cube Object within 3D space respectively.

Rotation Pivot

Sets the point of rotation.


This section covers Axis Division, which segments the Cube into equal parts. While not visible, these segments would, for example, create a 1x1x1 Cube or 2x2x2 Cube and so on.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Cube.


A Cylinder Object

The Cylinder, a simple 3D geometric shape, has several Attributes.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Cylinder, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Cylinder Object within 3D space respectively.

Rotation Pivot

Sets the point of rotation.


This section covers several editable aspects of a Cylinder's appearance. Rows set the number of rows, which segment the Cylinder horizontally. Essentially, this allows the user to choose how many edges/vertices there will be. For example, Rows = 3 would give a base shape of a triangle. The sample image has Rows = 10. At a certain point, around 22, the vertices are indeterminate and the base shape appears as a circle. Columns sets the number of columns, which segment the Cylinder vertically. Radius changes the radius of the bottom face, while Top Radius changes the radius of the top face. These essentially expand and retract the faces. Height changes the Object's length, elongating or shortening the Cylinder.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Cylinder.


A Dome Object

The Dome, a piece of a sphere with a flat bottom face, has several Attributes.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Dome, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Dome Object within 3D space respectively.


This section covers several editable aspects of a Dome's appearance. Rows sets the number of rows, which segment the Dome horizontally. In the sample image there are 10. If 1 was chosen, the Dome would appear as a pyramid with the top vertex representing the apex of the pyramid. It is easier to notice the different rows when Rows = 1-4, but for any higher number the Dome Objects, although would definitely increase in detail, would become indistinguishable from one another. Columns sets the number of columns, which segment the Dome vertically. Essentially, these define the number of vertices of the bottom face, so Columns = 4 would set the bottom face as a square and so on. Radius changes the radius of the bottom face.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Dome.


A Plane Object

A Plane is a flat rectangular Object that can still be moved along the Z axis in 3D space.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Plane, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Plane Object within 3D space respectively.

Rotation Pivot

Sets the point of rotation.


This section covers several editable aspects of a Plane's appearance.Rows sets the number of rows, which segment the Plane horizontally. Columns sets the number of columns, which segment the Plane vertically.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Plane.


A Sphere Object

The Sphere, a simple 3D geometric shape, has several Attributes.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Sphere, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Sphere Object within 3D space respectively.

Rotation Pivot

Sets the point of rotation.


This section covers several editable aspects of a Sphere's appearance. Rows sets the number of rows along the longitude, like the segments of a colored beach ball. The sample image has Rows = 10. Columns sets the number of columns, essentially segments oriented along the latitude. The sample image has Columns = 10. The higher the numbers for each, the smoother the Sphere appears. Radius increases the radius of the Sphere, thus scaling it up or down.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Sphere.


A Spring Object

The Spring, a three-dimensional coil-shaped Object, has several Attributes.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Spring, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Spring Object within 3D space respectively.

Rotation Pivot

Sets the point of rotation.


This section covers several editable aspects of a Spring's appearance. Rows sets the number of rows, which segment the Spring horizontally. The sample image has Rows = 10 and this can be further visualized by setting Rows = 3, which would show a Spring with triangular ends. Columns sets the number of columns, which sets how many 'kinks' the Spring has. This is better seen from a bird's eye view. For example, if Columns were set to 5, the shape from the top would be a pentagram. Radius increases or decreases the radius of the Spring ends, which is visualized as the Spring becoming thicker and thinner. Height elongates or shortens the space between the number of coils, or Segments. Segments sets the number of coils the Spring has. Inner Radius sets the radius of the internal space of the Spring, widening and compressing the coil.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Spring.


A Torus Object

The Torus, a three-dimensional donut-shaped Object, has several Attributes.



This section shows the name and type of the Object, in this case a Torus, as well as its Opacity, which determines how transparent or opaque the Object is.


The features under this Attribute are Position, Rotation, and Scale. Each one of them can alter the location, rotation, and size of the Torus Object within 3D space respectively.

Rotation Pivot

Sets the point of rotation.


This section covers several editable aspects of a Torus's appearance. Rows sets the number of rows, which segment the Torus horizontally. The higher the number, the smoother the surface. Columns sets the number of columns, which segment the Torus vertically. For example, if Columns were set to 4, then the number of sections would be 4 and the Torus would take a square-like shape. Radius increases or decreases the radius of the Torus. If one thinks of the Torus as many circular pieces patched together, it is the radius of these circles that is changed. This is visualized as the Torus becoming thicker or thinner. Inner Radius sets the radius of the internal space of the Torus.


The user can choose a Material file to customize the look of the Torus.

See also

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