Installation and License *

Installation and licensing:

  1. Download the Incari Studio installer (Incari Studio v1.0.exe) from the CGI-Studio website.

  2. Execute the Incari Studio v1.0.exe and follow the instructions.

  3. Click "Next" to proceed or "Cancel" to stop the current installation.

  1. After installation, start Incari Studio by double-clicking the shortcut icon on your desktop.

  2. On the first startup, there is a license dialog. Copy the license request key, send it to the vendor and apply for a valid license.

Install License:

After receiving the license file, please copy the provided incaristudio.lic into the installation folder of INCARI Studio. The default installation path is C**:\Program Files\CGI Studio\INCARI Studio**

After copying the license file to the installation folder you can start using INCARI Studio.

Last updated