Is Less Equal


IsLessEqual is a Relational Expression Node, which compares two Input Values, and returns a Boolean, based on whether or not the Value of Input A is less than Input B. If it is, the returned Value will be true, and if not, it will return false.

Depending on the setting in the Mode Attribute, the Node may also return true if the Values are equal.

Because the IsGreaterEqual and IsLessEqual compare the difference in Value, these Nodes can only be used with Numerical Types.

Relational Expressions are frequently used alongside Branch Nodes and Logical Operator Nodes to manipulate the flow of logic and are essential when building any complex applications.





Below, in the top two examples, we can see the difference between the IsLessEqual and Isless modes and how even small differences in Value affect the outcome of the evaluation.

Relational operator on Wikipedia.

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